Our Vision

Our Mission

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Taverners branches in Newcastle and the Hunter Giving a sporting chance for 30 years.

Giving the young and disadvantaged a sporting chance that they would otherwise not have

Taverners Australia is a national network of branches covering all states and territories of Australia.

We support the deaf, blind, intellectually impaired, indigenous and young girls to play sport and in particular cricket.

We “give a sporting chance” by providing financial support directly to these groups to allow them to actively participate in cricket – generally at a grass roots level.

The Formation of Newcastle Lord’s Taverners

Two of the Australian Lord’s Taverners founding fathers, John McCallum and John Darling, were present with the then Chief Executive, Keith Lewis, at the birth of the Newcastle branch in October 1992.

The inaugural meeting of the Newcastle branch was held in the attractive Tree House Room at the University of Newcastle and was attended by cricketers, cricket lovers and academics from around the Hunter.

John McCallum’s wonderful wife and fellow actor, Googie Withers, and John Darling’s wife Sally were among the guests. John McCallum entertained the gathering with a delightful talk about the Taverners and their ideals but it was Googie who had the last word and brought the house down.

“I just want you all to know,” she said, tongue in cheek, “I hate cricket.”

Professor Saxon White, a Rugby Union Wallaby and former first grade cricketer with the University club in Sydney, was elected Branch President and Vic Levi, a Newcastle journalist and former first grade cricketer was made Chairman. Graeme Jefferies, then secretary of Newcastle Chamber of Commerce and a well-known umpire, was elected Branch Secretary.

The branch’s first XI consisted of Professor Saxon White, Vic Levi, John Price MLA, Jim Barry, George Bodell, Denis Broad, Ken Clifford, Professor Richard Henry, Graeme Jeffries, Dick Stokoe and Kevin McDonald.

In December 2016 the Newcastle branch became Lord’s Taverners Australia Hunter Branch to make the organisation more relevant to the whole region.


Patron Rick McCosker OAM
President Cathie Black
Chair Trevor John
Treasurer Ross McKim
Secretary Trevor John
Member Kerry Freer
Member John Fryer
Member Ian Hodge
Member Geoff Kirk
Member Peter Quirk
Member Vacant

Life Members

Being elected a Life Member is the highest honour which can be awarded to Members of the Hunter Taverners branch. Life Members are formally recognised by the Committee of the Hunter Taverners for their meritorious service in achieving the organisation’s objectives.
2023 Cathie Black
2023 Denis Broad OAM
2020 Rick McCosker OAM
2020 John McLaughlin
2020 Judith McLaughlin
2017 Vic Levi
2017 Robert Holland
2008 Saxon White
2006 Kevin McDonald
Rick McCosker, Judith McLaughlin, John McLaughlin, Vic Levi